Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
2,467 lines
;E 1.3. Copyright (C) David Nye, 1990, 1991, all rights reserved.
;Assemble with TASM. Link: tlink /t e (makes a .COM file).
LINEWIDTH EQU 80 ;Length of string storage for line
SCREENLENGTH EQU 24 ;Number of rows in display window
MAXLINES EQU 8096 ;Size of arrays of line pointers
BUFFERLENGTH EQU 1200h ;Length of file buffer
STACKSIZE EQU 50h ;Length of stack
BELL EQU 7 ;Some non-printing chars
PROGLENGTH = EndOfProgram - Orig + 100h ;Length of .COM file
;Create a named string
MACRO String Name, Text
Name db LL-Name-1, Text
;Make <Name> a byte ptr to <Length> bytes of storage after end of code.
;Like a .DATA? segment for .COM file, so uninitialized data doesn't take up
;room in the .COM file.
MACRO B? Name, Length
LOCAL where
where = EndOfProgram + BuffersCount
Name EQU BYTE PTR where
BuffersCount = BuffersCount + Length
;Like B? but for word storage
MACRO W? Name, Length
LOCAL where
where = EndOfProgram + BuffersCount
Name EQU WORD PTR where
BuffersCount = BuffersCount + Length + Length
BuffersCount = 0
ORG 100h
jmp Start
String copyRight 'E 1.3. Copyright (C) David Nye, 1991. All rights reserved.'
;Some defaults, use ECONFIG to change
colorAttributes dw 1770h ;Default status, text color video attributes
tabSize db 4 ;Tab increment
inserting? db -1 ;True if in insert mode
autoIndent? db -1 ;True if in autoindent mode
startInText? db 0 ;Set to true to start up in text mode
zLMargin db 8 ;Left margin setting for Alt Z
zRMargin db LINEWIDTH-8 ;Right margin setting for Alt Z
String cantOpenMsg, "Can't open file."
String rdErrorMsg, 'Error reading file.'
String fileErrorMsg, "Can't save file."
String diskFullMsg, 'Disk full.'
String noRoomMsg, 'Out of memory.'
String sysErrMsg, 'System error.'
String notMarkingMsg, 'Not marking.'
String setLabelMsg, 'Label (0-9): '
String setTabsMsg, 'Tab width: '
String newFileMsg, 'File name: '
String gotoMsg 'Jump to what line? '
String editingMsg <'Help F1',186,'Editing: '>
String findMsg 'Find: '
String replaceMsg 'Replace with: '
String notFoundMsg 'No more matching strings found.'
String anyKeyMsg 'Press any key to continue.'
String ctrlCMsg '*Break*'
String cancelledMsg 'Cancelled.'
BAK db '.BAK', 0
comspec$ db 'COMSPEC='
helpMsg db 'CURSOR left left arrow, ^S '
db 'BLOCK begin @B '
db ' right right arrow, ^D '
db ' copy block to buffer @C * '
db ' word left ^left arrow, ^A '
db ' delete block to buffer @D * '
db ' word right ^right arrow, ^F '
db ' insert block from buffer @I * '
db ' tab right, left Tab, Shift Tab '
db ' empty block buffer @E * '
db ' start, end of line Home, End '
db ' unmark @U '
db ' line up up arrow, ^E '
db 'FIND @F + '
db ' line down down arrow, ^X '
db ' replace @R + '
db ' page up PgUp, ^R '
db ' find/replace all @A + '
db ' page down PgDn, ^C '
db 'SAVE and continue @S '
db ' start of file ^PgUp '
db ' save and exit @X '
db ' end of file ^PgDn '
db ' toggle kill save at exit @K '
db 'DELETE Del '
db ' open another file @O+ '
db ' backspace Backspace '
db 'JUMP to line # @J '
db ' delete word left ^[ '
db ' set, goto label (0-9) @L, @G '
db ' delete word right ^], ^T '
db 'MARGIN set L, R ^Home, ^End '
db ' delete rest of line ^\ '
db ' wrap paragraph @W '
db ' delete line ^-, ^Y '
db ' set tabs @T '
db ' undelete line ^^ '
db ' toggle autoindent ^@ '
db 'INSERT mode toggle Ins '
db ' toggle text/prog mode @Z '
db ' insert raw char @= (+80h w shift) '
db 'SHELL to DOS, run EFn.BAT F2, F3-F6 * '
db 80 dup (' ')
db '@ = Alt, ^ = Ctrl, * = to/from file if s'
db 'hifted, + = use last string if shifted. '
db 'Status line flags: Insert Overwrite C'
db 'hanged AutoIndent [ LMargin ] RMargin'
;EXEC function parameter block
EXECParams dw 0
EXECCmdLineOff dw 0
EXECCmdLineSeg dw 0, -1, -1 , -1 , -1
EXECBAT db 0, '/c EF'
EXECFnumber db 'x.BAT '
EXECFileName db 20 dup (0)
newFile? db 0 ;True if new file
marking? db 0 ;True if marking text
changed? db 0 ;True if original file has been changed
isBAKed? db 0 ;True if .BAK file already written
needCopies? db -1 ;True unless lines in buffer were just deleted
autoReplace? db 0 ;-1 if auto-replace with shift, 1 without shift
noEscape? db 0 ;True if prompt demands response
labelTable dw 10 dup (0) ;Table of line pointers assigned to labels
;These variables and buffers are allocated space following .COM file
W? sstack, STACKSIZE ;Stack goes here
STACKTOP = EndOfProgram + BuffersCount
B? attribNl, 1 ;Text and status line attributes
B? attribInv, 1
W? cursorShape, 1 ;Line cursor parameters for color or mono
B? fName?, 1 ;True if file name given on command line
B? justFound?, 1 ;True if no other commands since last Find
B? swapped?, 1 ;True if edited file swapped out during EXEC
W? lMargin, 1 ;Current margins
W? rMargin, 1
W? fHandle, 1 ;File handle
W? lastLine, 1 ;Index of last line in file
W? blockPtrsLast, 1 ;Index of last line in block buffer
W? top, 1 ;Index of first line on screen
W? bottom, 1 ;Index of last line on screen
W? mark, 1 ;Start of marking for block command
W? here, 1 ;Temporaries
W? spTemp, 1
W? comspecPtrOff, 1 ;Pointer to COMSPEC value: offset, segment
W? comspecPtrSeg, 1
W? bufferPtr, 1 ;Multipurpose buffer pointer
W? hereCol, 1
W? topSegPtr, 1
W? topSeg, 1
W? topIndex, 1
W? videoSegment, 1 ;Segment of system's video memory
W? heapStart, 1 ;Segment of start of heap
W? heapPtr, 1 ;Segment pointer to next free paragraph in heap
B? fName, 50 ;File name in ASCIIZ format
B? otherFName, 50 ;Name of second file
W? otherLine, 1 ;Line of cursor in second file
ESSENTIALS = BuffersCount ;Buffers above here not saved with shell + swap
W? temp, 1 ;Temporary storage
B? fNameBAK, LINEWIDTH ;Current file with .BAK extension added
B? fNameTemp, LINEWIDTH ;File name for block read/writes, shell
B? pad, LINEWIDTH ;Scratch buffer
B? findString, LINEWIDTH ;Search string for Find command
B? replaceString, LINEWIDTH ;New string for Replace command
W? linePtrs, MAXLINES ;List of line pointers
W? blockPtrs, MAXLINES ;Line pointers for block or line deletes
B? buffer, BUFFERLENGTH ;File buffer
ENDFBUFFER = BuffersCount
;Jump tables: ^ = Ctrl, @ = Alt, # = Shift.
ctrlTable dw na ;Undefined
dw WordLeft ;^A
dw na ;^B
dw PageDown ;^C
dw Right ;^D
dw Up ;^E
dw WordRight ;^F
dw na ;^G or BEL
dw BackSpace ;^H or BS
dw Tab ;^I or HT
dw na ;^J or LF
dw na ;^K or VT
dw na ;^L or FF
dw CRet ;^M or CR
dw na ;^N or SO
dw na ;^O or SI
dw na ;^P
dw na ;^Q or DC1
dw PageUp ;^R or DC2
dw Left ;^S or DC3
dw DeleteWordR ;^T or DC4
dw na ;^U
dw na ;^V
dw na ;^W
dw Down ;^X or CAN
dw DeleteLine ;^Y
dw na ;^Z
dw DeleteWordL ;^[
dw DeleteToEOL ;^\
dw DeleteWordR ;^]
dw UndeleteLine ;^^
dw DeleteLine ;^-
auxTable dw 3 DUP (na) ;Undefined
dw AutoIndent ;^@ or NUL
dw 11 DUP (na) ;Undefined
dw ReverseTab ;#Tab
dw na ;@Q
dw Wrap ;@W
dw EmptyBuffer ;@E
dw Replace ;@R
dw SetTabs ;@T
dw na ;@Y
dw Unmark ;@U
dw InsertBlock ;@I
dw OtherFile ;@O
dw na ;@P
dw 4 DUP (na) ;Undefined
dw ReplaceAll ;@A
dw Save ;@S
dw DeleteBlock ;@D
dw Find ;@F
dw GotoLabel ;@G
dw Help ;@H
dw Jump ;@J
dw Kill ;@K
dw SetLabel ;@L
dw 5 DUP (na) ;Undefined
dw ToggleWPMode ;@Z
dw Exit ;@X
dw Copy ;@C
dw na